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Rising from the Ashes: Eastbound Bar and Grill to celebrate its Fire-versary

Maria Wiles

Last year on March 26th, a fire broke out in Lakeside’s Eastbound Bar & Grill causing extensive damage to the kitchen and roof, and smoke and water damage to the rest of the building.

Eastbound may have suffered losses to their kitchen… but not to their spirit! The Lakeside community banded together, and through teamwork the neighborhood hub was able to re-open two months later. They even made a fun music video about their community rebuild.

Video Credit: Eric Stephenson

In honor of the community’s incredible support and the success of their re-open, Eastbound Bar & Grill will be holding their Fire-versary party on March 25, from 1 - 9 p.m. 10% off all sales and $1 of all Jack Daniel’s Fire and Fireman’s Brewery beer during that time will go back to the Burn Institute in Lakeside Fires name.

A dedication mural will be unveiled at 6 p.m., in honor of the men and women who saved the Eastbound building on March 26 and all they continue to do to protect the community. Not to mention, the fire truck will be making an appearance outside Eastbound and guests can celebrate the day with the fire department.

The party will keep going with live music by Kevin Begin from 1 - 4 p.m. and with Piano Man Ryan Bolliar from 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. Prizes and Swag will be given away all day. Honor the men and women who protect our community and raise money for charity all while having a whole lot of fun this March 25!

Eastbound Bar & Grill

10053 Maine Ave., Lakeside. (619) 334-2566 or

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Maria Wiles is a local writer, Buffalo NY transplant and self-proclaimed chicken wing connoisseur. When she is not talking about her love affair with food, she can be found in child's pose at a yoga class or rollerblading on the Mission Beach boardwalk. Follow her on Instagram.

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