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Cleopatra Degher - "California Forest Fire"

Derek Morris - "Love Letters"

Gerald Levert - "I Just Can't Help Myself"

Johnny Gill - "Behind Closed Doors"

Midnight Track - "Don't Be Proud Of Me"

Spider Heart - "Bullet"

PRyhme - "U Looz"


Happy 6 year anniversary.  All I can say is that I'm very happy to know that people actually check out the podcast, watch the videos, and read the articles.  Keep listening!


As always, I've featured some amazing talent from San Diego and a rock band from Oakland.  Please show them some support by listening to their music and following their pages.  I've included links in the photo slide show.


What topics or artist would you like me to cover in Episode 160.  Perhaps underground holiday music?  Let me know your favorite christmas or holiday song that a local band in your area covered or wrote.




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