We all have that one thing in the back of the refrigerator that has some fuzz on it and we honestly can’t remember what it is. Yeah... It’s time to clean that. Who knew there was an entire day to do that So,no more excuses! Lara & Jarnard get chats about everything such as chores, dirty cars and “deep cleaning.”
Here's how our refrigerators currently look. We will let you assume which is Lara's and which is Jarnard's. Let's see yours.

Show Notes:
Using the Munchin Arm & Hammer Nursery Fresheners (baking soda filters) look better in the fridge vs. the box of baking soda.
Mutual friend Lauren has plumbing issues in the kitchen due to her next door neighborhood putting Feminine hygiene products down the kitchen sink. Lara encourages her to use Diva Cups.
Lara had plumbing issues in the bathroom prior to moving out of her place in Descanso.
Lara has two refrigerators but with no ice maker. Lara has a refrigerator for food and for drinks.
Jarnard wants a mini fridge for the man-cave/office but is afraid of his utility bill rising.
Jarnard complains about his current SD&GE utility bills.
They both discusses ways to lower utility bills.
Discussed the 2007 California wildfires.
Discussed cleaning schedules – weekly cleaning vs. deep cleaning.
Jarnard talks about how he ended up buying his first car in California because of a girl ditching him in National City.
Jarnard buys his first, 2006 Chevy Colbalt at Frank Toyota.
Jarnard mentioned a few other cars he had.
Lara mentioned the cars she had and having car payments can be scary.
Discussed more deep cleaning (washing sheets, cleaning the shower, cleaning the oven, etc)
Lara hates bachelor pads because they’re typically dirty
They both share their methods of cleaning the refrigerator.
Jarnard plans to eat up to 7 dinners on Thanksgiving.
Lara has unrealistic expectations on being clean because of her mom. Says her mom’s the perfect cleaning lady.
Talked about their favorite chores.
Discussed which is worst, a place with B.O. or a dirty apartment?
Jarnard chats about one of his bad cat litter experiences.
Discussed how often we cleaned out our oven. Lara shares a story on how her mom cleans her oven often.
Dusting, cleaning fans and blinds is a tedious chore – they discussed.
NationalCalendar.com shares tips on cleaning out the refrigerator.
Jarnard shares a song that produced from the first car experience in California.
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